About David Croswell

Boldness and Drama. These are not words that are usually attributed to me, but those are some of the things I love most about photographing flowers. I can shape the light to highlight a particular part of a flower or to accentuate the forms of the flowers and leaves. I love highlighting the features of my subjects, whether it's the intricate waves of a peony's petals or the simple symmetry of a plumeria blossom.
It is my desire to evoke a sense of wonder in my images. I have a deep appreciation for the vast diversity of beauty throughout the world and our home, and my art is inspired by these many exquisite sights. Whether it's the many different varieties of plumeria or Ti plants that can be found across the islands, or the lush and magnificent landscapes around every turn, I love capturing small slices of God's creation and sharing them with others. I hope that my work inspires you to find beauty and joy wherever you are and to share that with those around you.
Croswell 808 is a family affair. Together, my wife, Mariko, and I run our small, local business. Sometimes, you'll see us venturing around with our three children - they love to help us discover and capture the beauty of our island home. Our oldest is my trusty assistant, and my younger two have developed a love for photography too! Mahalo!